The library is open to the public by appointment only.
Appointments must be made at least 24 hours in advance by calling 414-297-1698 during business hours.
Appointments are available from 9 A.M. - 2 P.M. for up to 90 minutes, once per week. Appointments are one person per time slot. Computers are not available for public use.
we can not do:
1. Provide legal advice or opinions, or interpret
any laws or legal documents.
2. Assist with preparation of cases or legal forms.
3. Provide in-depth reference service or access to computers.
4. Check out library materials or borrow items from other
5. Do photocopying or make telephone calls.
6. Allow use of office equipment, telephones or supplies.
7. Allow smoking, eating or disruptive behavior.
8. Be responsible for any personal belongings.
9. Store or hold any personal belongings.
What we can do:
1. Allow the public access to library materials.
2. Provide directions to needed materials.
3. Provide basic instructions on how to use legal materials.
4. Provide basic reference (e.g., telephone numbers, addresses,
definitions of legal terms).
5. Provide a list of libraries that have needed materials
that we do not own.
6. Provide instructions on how to use the photocopiers
7. Refer users to other agencies which provide legal assistance.
The following law libraries in the Milwaukee area are open to
the public: